October-My Favorite Month

I love October. Here in south Louisiana, we get many days of low humidity and bright sunshine in October. While we only have a few deciduous trees around here, the few we have are beautiful. Witness this cypress tree.

This beauty is in City Park. I’ve tried to match this warm, orangish brown color for quilts, but I’ve not found anything that’s just right.

Another reason I love October is because September 23 through October 24 is the sign for Libras. Some of my favorite people are Libras. Often when I feel surprisingly connected to someone at first meeting, I discover that they are Libras.

And the last reason why I love October is that it’s my birthday month, too. Next week, the 15th, is my birthday.

What is your favorite month? And Why?



6 thoughts on “October-My Favorite Month

  1. October, hands down! The weather is key for me. By the time October hits, I’m feeling so oppressed by the humid heat of summer that the whoosh of fall air on my skin is like a balm to my soul. Plus, I’m a sucker for the holidays, and I always feel that October ushers in the holiday season. Somehow, I feel awash in hope at this time of year… though I long for the changing leaves of my youth (in Colorado) and the crisp crackle of the air up there… fall in the south is gorgeous in its own right. No A/C, no heat – just the perfect, natural air all around me. October=Relief&Hope.


  2. I, also, enjoy October. Fall is my favorite season. I like the freshness of the air, the crisp in the way I feel, and the turning of the leaves. Here in North Carolina, it is beautiful. There is a different shade of blue in the sky when it begins to cool. And the stars are more bright. It’s also the month of my wedding anniversary – this year it will be number 29.


  3. October is pretty darn great, I agree. But I’ll take the spring time as my favorite, probably April. The promise of new beginnings. February is pretty cool, too, if only for the Japanese magnolia blooms!


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